Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Twenty Things About Me

1. I am an European.
2. I was born in Germany.
3. I moved about 30 times within Europe.
4. I lived in Northern Africa ( including the Sahara Desert).
5. I am a trained Corsetier.
6. I used to work as a designer for Fashion, Interior, Stage, and Accessories.
7. I am presently involved in HIV/AIDS education and prevention .
8. I am serving as Vice Chair of the Community Advisory Board of the AIDS Clinical Trials Unit at NYU Hospital.
9. I serve as the Chair of the Community Advisory Board at Body Positive.
10. I co-facilitate a support group for Carepartners (a group of caregivers to terminally sick family members or friends) at GMHC.
11. I started working in the Field of HIV/AIDS in 1984 in Germany and the Netherlands.
12. I am presently a student at Hunter College.
13. I am trying to earn a Bachelor in Science degree with a major in Community Health Education.
14. I speak publicly about HIV/AIDS.
15. I have a few addictions: Bang & Olufsen, cookies and great tea.
16. Friday 13th is a lucky day for me.
17. I am a libra; born on October 13.
18. I do not believe in any institutionalized religion, but I am open to philosophies.
19. I live in the center of Manhattan.
20. I am a slow typer, but I get by.
:: posted by R. W. Graf, 8:02 AM | link | 10 comments |