Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Infection Control Today - Hot News

Infection Control Today - Hot News: "The race to stay ahead of HIV disease is falling victim to the lack of a federal budget for fiscal year (FY) 2007. Losses in funding for HIV/AIDS research will set back efforts to fight drug-resistant strains and to find less toxic medications, according to the HIV Medicine Association (HIVMA). HIVMA is calling on the new Congress to reverse these losses as it reconsiders health and education spending for the rest of the fiscal year.
Last year's Congress failed to pass a budget for FY 2007 before adjourning. It left the federal government running on a continuing resolution at FY 2006 levels, which, after inflation, amounts to about a 3.5 percent cut. Furthermore, National Institutes of Health (NIH) policy is to disburse only 80 percent of a research grant's funding until a final budget is approved..."
:: posted by R. W. Graf, 7:19 AM


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