Wednesday, January 31, 2007
7.30 Report - 30/01/2007: Govt mulls ad campaign to fight HIV surge
7.30 Report - 30/01/2007: Govt mulls ad campaign to fight HIV surge: "KERRY O'BRIEN: Remember the grim reaper, the spectre of death used so effectively to help head off an AIDS epidemic in Australia two decades ago? Well, grim reaper II is on the way. Federal Health Minister Tony Abbott is seeking funding for a $10 million national advertising campaign to reverse a dramatic increase in the number of Australians contracting HIV - a 41 per cent increase, in fact. It's feared a new generation of gay men have become complacent about the threat of the disease, which they no longer see as an automatic death sentence, thanks to new anti retroviral drug treatments. Nick Grimm reports..."
:: posted by R. W. Graf, 7:11 AM