Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Global Challenges | Society Should Not Reject, Discriminate Against People With HIV/AIDS, Other Infectious Diseases, Pope Benedict Says -

Global Challenges | Society Should Not Reject, Discriminate Against People With HIV/AIDS, Other Infectious Diseases, Pope Benedict Says - "Society should not reject people living with HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases nor be indifferent or prejudiced toward them, Pope Benedict XVI said on Friday at a conference on the pastoral care of people with infectious diseases, Reuters UK reports. The pope also called on society to respect the dignity of people living with infectious diseases. 'Among the prejudices that hinder or limit efficient care for victims of infectious diseases is the attitude of indifference and even exclusion or rejection, which sometimes emerges in a rich society,' he said, adding that the tendency of individuals to focus on themselves while other people are living with diseases is a 'dangerous social trend.' The pope also urged scientists and doctors to boost efforts to find cures for diseases, including HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, as well as ways to ease the suffering of those who are living with such diseases. "
:: posted by R. W. Graf, 4:37 AM


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