Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Fort Wayne pastor tours south with message on HIV/AIDS epidemic in black community

Fort Wayne pastor tours south with message on HIV/AIDS epidemic in black community: "over two decades of being diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, God has molded directed and inspired Pastor Donald E. Archey who has quickly become one of the most electrifying, inspirational and sought after AIDS advocates and motivational speaker in recent years. Voted one of the top 50 most influential African Americans in northeast Indiana, Pastor Archey was the keynote speaker for the 'Save A Life, Save A Soul Summit' and Health Fair that was held in Macon, Ga., on June 23 through June 25. "
:: posted by R. W. Graf, 3:18 AM
Please refer to a January 7, 2007 investigative article done by the Fort Wayne JOURNAL GAZETTE. The investigation into the Archey AIDS Foundation and it's found Reverend / Pastor Donald E. Archey was done by investigative reporter Dan Stockman.
The investigation revealed Archey has used the Archeyt Aids Foundation accounts to pay his personal bills.....forged the name of the -then- treasurer....and kept all financial records away from the board of directors. When a board member questioned Archey's misuse of AAF funds....Archey would ask them to resign.
It was discovered that Archey has two Internal Revenue Service tax liens against him personally totalling nearly $40,000. He also owes several thousand dollars in personal legal judgments for unpaid bills.
Archey used the AAF accounts as a way to launder money...and pay his personal bills avoiding the IRS lien and monetary judgments against him.
Archey also used AAF funds to purchase...maintain (fuel/insurance/plates)his personal vehicle/s
He used AAF funds to pay for Comcast cable TV/internet/telephone which were for his own personal use. Archey Aids FOundation has it's own Verizon telphone number along with a toll free number which are separate and different from the Comcast number.
Even though Archey was forced to resign from AAF it appears as if he still has the Verizon AAF phone numbers at his home...meaning any phone calls to "book" speaking dates or donate money can be done through his home...thus maintaining to avoid the IRS and legal judgments.
Arhey is on a 100% social security how can he accept speaking fees. He travels anywhere someone is willing to pay him. Not to mention the IRS and personal legal judgments???
Please GOOGLE Pastor Donald Archey - Frost Illustrated and you will find the articles done by Frost Magazine in which Archey admits to accepting these speaking fees.
I was the treasurer of AAF..and KNOW for a fact Archey did NOT report these fees to the IRS. Archey also sells photos of himself(paying for them with AAF funds...)and then keeps the cash for himself.
Archey has an answer for everything...hoping people will believe his hype...DON'T FALL FOR IT.
I was a treasurer for AAF. I reported the abuses to the Indiana State Attorney General's office. Dan Cox in that office is currently investigating both Archey and AAF.
Do a Google search for Archey Aids Foundation or Pastor Donald Archey. You will see the results of the investigation. me directly at GRAWAY925@YAHOO.COM ..and I can forward any and all information I have regarding AAF.
Ron Muckway
The investigation revealed Archey has used the Archeyt Aids Foundation accounts to pay his personal bills.....forged the name of the -then- treasurer....and kept all financial records away from the board of directors. When a board member questioned Archey's misuse of AAF funds....Archey would ask them to resign.
It was discovered that Archey has two Internal Revenue Service tax liens against him personally totalling nearly $40,000. He also owes several thousand dollars in personal legal judgments for unpaid bills.
Archey used the AAF accounts as a way to launder money...and pay his personal bills avoiding the IRS lien and monetary judgments against him.
Archey also used AAF funds to purchase...maintain (fuel/insurance/plates)his personal vehicle/s
He used AAF funds to pay for Comcast cable TV/internet/telephone which were for his own personal use. Archey Aids FOundation has it's own Verizon telphone number along with a toll free number which are separate and different from the Comcast number.
Even though Archey was forced to resign from AAF it appears as if he still has the Verizon AAF phone numbers at his home...meaning any phone calls to "book" speaking dates or donate money can be done through his home...thus maintaining to avoid the IRS and legal judgments.
Arhey is on a 100% social security how can he accept speaking fees. He travels anywhere someone is willing to pay him. Not to mention the IRS and personal legal judgments???
Please GOOGLE Pastor Donald Archey - Frost Illustrated and you will find the articles done by Frost Magazine in which Archey admits to accepting these speaking fees.
I was the treasurer of AAF..and KNOW for a fact Archey did NOT report these fees to the IRS. Archey also sells photos of himself(paying for them with AAF funds...)and then keeps the cash for himself.
Archey has an answer for everything...hoping people will believe his hype...DON'T FALL FOR IT.
I was a treasurer for AAF. I reported the abuses to the Indiana State Attorney General's office. Dan Cox in that office is currently investigating both Archey and AAF.
Do a Google search for Archey Aids Foundation or Pastor Donald Archey. You will see the results of the investigation. me directly at GRAWAY925@YAHOO.COM ..and I can forward any and all information I have regarding AAF.
Ron Muckway