Sunday, June 18, 2006

After quarter century of AIDS, gains but new threats

After quarter century of AIDS, gains but new threats: "After quarter century of AIDS, gains but new threats
By Anindita Dasgupta

Twenty-five years since the onset of the AIDS pandemic, many gains have been made in combating the disease. Yet, the struggle is hardly over.

Since June 5, 1981, when the first cases of pneumocystis were reported in Los Angeles among gay men, the medical community has made vast advancements in treatment of the 1 million Americans estimated by the Centers for Disease Control to be living with H.I.V. While there is now federal funding for Americans to receive drug treatment, multipronged treatment approaches and rapid H.I.V. testing (test results available 30 minutes after testing), public health specialists maintain that finding a cure for AIDS is still a long ways off. "
:: posted by R. W. Graf, 4:29 AM


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