Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Medicine Men

Interesting article that combines several of the presentations, the material we learned in class and "MY" topic... who could ask for more?
:: posted by R. W. Graf, 3:45 PM


You are so lucky Robert, that is great 2 in 1.
Blogger Eny, at 3:07 PM  
Yes there are pre meds and post intervention meds
Blogger R. W. Graf, at 7:10 AM  
You will hear more in my presentation on this topic.
Blogger R. W. Graf, at 7:15 AM  
Louise, they do not prevent, they just inhibit the virus from entering or docking to the CD4+ receptors of macrophages and the T helper cells.
Blogger R. W. Graf, at 7:38 AM  

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