Tuesday, April 11, 2006

International AIDS Conference

The International AIDS Conference 2006 in Toronto, Canada is scheduled for August 13- to 18 and the deadline for online registration to avoid the last minute surcharge is set for 15 May. This event will be broadcasted via satellite to several web pages so that individuals who are unable to attend can follow the presentations. (For a list please refer to the website of the event). I personally attended a few and if anyone is interested in HIV/AIDS issues I would suggest to either read abstracts provided by the Kaiser Family Foundation or to attend the conference if possible. Their website is a great resource for summaries from the conferences and in addition, they provide live video streams as well.
:: posted by R. W. Graf, 6:57 AM


You two are bad... Thankfully I understand that much
Blogger R. W. Graf, at 7:44 AM  
Educators: translation please! ;)
Blogger R. W. Graf, at 7:13 AM  

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