Friday, April 21, 2006
California adopts name-based system to track HIV/AIDS patients
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a law on Monday, which changes the reporting data of HIV/AIDS patients in the state Californiato be reported from codes that were previously being used to the names of the individuals. Adopting the name system will secure over US$50 million per year for HIV/AIDS management from the federal government, which found the code-based system inefficient in producing a clear picture of the epidemic. Read the whole article at
:: posted by R. W. Graf, 4:56 AM
That law is the smartest thing done to eradicate this condition or just have it controlled.
It will be a great change, with the implementation of the orasure quick test and the home testing kits part of the legislature will need to be changed later on because home-test kits have a unique identifier code and are not name based.
wow, good news! are similar bills being proposed in other states?